Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Gift That Goes The Distance

teddy bear - $5
ball - $1
kids t-shirt - $4
pencils - $1
pencil sharpener -$0.50
crayons - $1
colouring book - $2
notebook - $1
stickers - $1
hard candy - $1
bar of soap - $0.50
card - $2
smile on the face of the child that opens that shoebox? Priceless!

Just think...a shoe box can contain the most valued treasures a child owns!

By now, many people have heard of Operation Christmas Child. Since 1993, Samaritan's Purse has collected and distributed more than 54 Million shoe boxes from 11 participating countries and has delivered the shoe boxes to children in 125 nations around the world! Last year alone, Canadians generously donated 738, 079 shoe boxes, part of the 7.6 million collected worldwide in 2006!

Think about your typical Christmas. Do you know how much money the average Canadian spends on Christmas presents each year? Upwards of $500 to $900 dollars! In the US that amount increases up to $1500! To think just $20 will fill a shoe box of goodies for a deserving child. It is estimated that there are over 33,000,000 people living in Canada. Last year if the number of shoe boxes represents the number of people who donated a shoe box, only 2% of Canadian's gave a shoe box! What a simple way to make a difference in the life of a child!

Think about it...will you consider giving a shoe box this Christmas? Why not do it with some friends? Coworkers? Your family? Encourage others to do the same! Check out the website for more details on donating a shoe box.

Samaritan's Purse does a lot of other great projects! In fact a friend of mine has been involved with projects around the world building practical BioSand water filters. On the Samaritan's Purse Canadian website she is quoted as saying “(The BioSand Water Filter is) such a simple technology, but something that profoundly affects people in so many ways." In fact each water filter costs only $100 and are built on location with local materials. Not only do the filters clean the water of impurities, they also remove bacteria and viruses. Having brought a water-bourne parasite home with me from Malawi last year, I know the importance of clean water! :o) These water filters make such a dramatic difference in the lives of people all around the world, in such a practical way. They are making a change in the lives of over half a million people! Just think, more than 70,000 water filters were built in homes, communities, schools and clinics, bringing improved water to an estimated 560,000 individuals worldwide!

Now you know...think about it. Check out their Canadian website at or their international site at for more information.

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