Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Fair Trade - NO Gimmick

Fair Trade is not a fad or a gimmick. It is a practical way to affect the lives of real people. Do you expect a fair wage for the work you do? So do people working in other countries.

I know I haven't typically paid much attention to fair trade products. Products that aren't fair trade tend to cost less, but at whose expense? As I begin to investigate different justice issues and how we can affect change, I realize how important fair trade really is.

In Canada, I am happy to see that there is an organization that is dedicated to helping Canadian consumers identify products that are fair trade certified. That organization is TransFair Canada. Here's what they have to say about fair trade.

About Fair Trade
Fair Trade is an international system of doing business
based on dialogue, transparency and respect. It contributes
to sustainable development by offering better trading conditions for
producers and workers in developing countries. Behind the principles and
goals of Fair Trade is a rigorous international system of monitoring,
auditing and certification.

The international Fair Trade system is structured to produce the
following outcomes for farmers and workers in developing countries:

- Fair compensation for their products and labour
- Sustainable environmental practices
- Improved social services
- Investment in local economic infrastructure

TransFair Canada labels items that are certified as free trade. I am encouraged to look for and buy products labeled as fair trade when I have a chance. I challenge you to do the same.

For more information about TransFair Canada go to www.transfair.ca. Perhaps you might consider their newsletter as well, they have great stories of how fair trade is making an impact, and some ideas how you can too. Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International is an international umbrella organization to intiatives in 21 countries, like Canada. To see some of the work being done internationally, or in your country visit http://www.fairtrade.net/.

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